2月 6, 2023


情人節蛋糕 2023


Vive Cake Boutique

Vive Cake Boutique

蛋糕精品店Vive Cake Boutique以小熊为灵感推出两款蛋糕,包括「Love You BEARY Much」(HK$780 /3.5吋),雪白毛绒绒小熊造型拿着心意卡,内里是质感轻盈的朱古力海绵蛋糕配草莓口味,可爱又浪漫。另一款「Love is in the BEAR」(HK$1,080/1磅)有如一杯热朱古力,复古粉红及粉蓝色的杯身加上心心唧花,而小熊从绵密的奶油之中探出头来,口味则是朱古力海绵蛋糕配咖啡。

agnès b. 咖啡馆和花店


情人节特别版”In My Heart 白桃荔枝玫瑰蛋糕”(HK$60/迷你版、HK$320/4吋、HK$550/5.5吋)于淡紫色的心形蛋糕中加入荔枝玫瑰果冻、玫瑰果酱及食用闪粉,清新宜人;”La Rose 士多啤梨流心蛋糕”(HK$60/迷你版、HK$320/4吋、HK$550/5.5吋、HK$660/7吋)缀以日本食用玫瑰花瓣及新鲜士多啤梨,并使用杏仁酥饼和红桑子海绵蛋糕作为底部,内馅有士多啤梨芝士缓缓流出,带来甜蜜惊喜。



“Romance Bunny Strawberry Sakura Tea Mousse Cake” (HK$308/4 inches, HK$58/piece) is adorned with a pink bunny chocolate holding a bouquet of roses and two heart-shaped chocolates, along with a pink chocolate crumb border. The cake itself is presented in a three-dimensional heart-shaped mirror finish, with gold foil and red rose petals. The layers of the cake include strawberry mousse, sakura tea cream filling, Dacquoise almond protein cake, and a crunchy base of red raspberry chocolate, creating a multi-textured experience.


La Famille

情人节限定「Love & Peach」日本白桃戚风蛋糕(HK$298/13cm)以粉嫩的白桃鲜奶油包裹着松软绵密的白桃戚风蛋糕,内层夹有日本白桃果肉与血桃慕丝及白桃果酱,充满香桃气息,加上细腻浓郁的北海道鲜奶油与清甜可口的内馅,甜而不腻。





Love Planet系列”星语蔷薇”(HK$298/3.5吋)以三层渐变粉色配上彩色糖珠,衬托朱古力星星与玫瑰金插牌,感觉梦幻,配上73%朱古力慕斯、阿华田脆酱及软绵香甜的草莓海绵蛋糕。另有件装蛋糕”心跳卜卜卜”(HK$52),蛋糕外面缀以金箔,内以73%朱古力慕斯包裹阿华田脆酱,精致甜蜜。


粉紅色「Love Lollipop Bomb」(HK$1,088/7吋、HK$1,488/9吋、HK$1,988/11吋)造型有如甜美棒棒糖,另外還有小熊造型的「Love Bear Bomb」(HK$1,588/7吋)等款式。以甜香的白朱古力打造而成外殼,內裡蘊藏逾16 款精緻美點,另外附送以朱古力印製而成、專屬於您與摯愛的甜心美照。


The Cakery, a vegan bakery, has launched the “Romantic Sweetheart Vegan Cake” (HK$328) for Valentine’s Day. The eye-catching cake is in a romantic pink rose shape, and the fluffy vegan vanilla sponge cake is paired with a refreshing and sweet strawberry sauce, creating a tangy and sweet taste. There is also the “Strawberry Rose Mille Feuille” (HK$288), with a crispy pastry layer and smooth rose strawberry cream, providing a rich and layered texture.

Nina Patisserie



“Black Forest Chocolate Mousse Cake” (HK$188/10cm) is adorned with silver-white rose petals on the surface, drizzled with chocolate sauce to envelop the cake, creating a beautiful appearance. The inner layer is made of CLUIZEL chocolate, a famous French brand, resulting in a delicate and smooth texture with a refined and aromatic taste. It is paired with a layer of tangy and sweet cherry sauce, achieving a perfect balance of flavors. Another option is the “Red Rose Strawberry Double Cheese Cake” (HK$288/13cm), which combines strawberry cheesecake with Mascarpone cheese mousse, creating a harmonious blend of flavors. The top is covered with fresh cream and garnished with edible red roses, and then sprinkled with Japanese sugar candies.

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