12月 20, 2022

【圣诞礼盒 2022】精选礼盒推介!纯素手工朱古力/小熊软糖/旋转木马设计礼盒


agnès b. 咖啡馆和花店

「松露朱古力圣诞礼盒」(HK$300)包括四款朱古力口味:焦糖海盐松露、椰子冧酒松露、果仁松露及纯可可松露,口感香浓幼滑,甜而不腻;而「圣诞音乐小屋 – 迷你姜饼人」(HK$320)内有八款表情丰富、造型可爱的迷你姜饼人。


“Christmas Chocolate Gift Box” (HK$268) comes in a red box filled with Christmas atmosphere, paired with 9 different flavors of handmade chocolates, including Lychee Exploding Sugar Dark Chocolate, Almond Crispy Rice Chocolate, Caramel Soft Center Chocolate, Orange Peel Milk Chocolate, etc. The chocolates are shaped like Christmas bears, gift boxes, and Christmas stockings, exquisite and cute. The Magic Christmas Mille-Feuille and Cookie Box (HK$328) in the shape of a winter cottage contains new flavors of coffee macaron cookies and sea salt caramel macaron cookies, gingerbread man chocolate cookies, snowflake chocolate cookies, as well as new flavors of orange chocolate mille-feuille and Earl Grey tea mille-feuille.


Venchi 限量圣诞冬日系列的「冬日迷你书型巧克力礼盒」(HK$245)以书本为造型,内里蕴藏着Chocoviar 焦糖软心巧克力、Chocoviar 开心果巧克力、Chocoviar Suprema榛子酱夹心巧克力、Chocoviar榛子蓉夹心巧克力及 75% Chocoviar 黑巧克力,而「冬日圣诞老人巧克力小铁盒」(HK$240)则包括牛奶巧克力慕斯、牛奶巧克力和 75% 黑巧克力。


“Christmas Town Gift Box” (HK$538) The top of the box is designed to resemble a carousel, with a Nordic cabin surrounding the entire box. Inside, there are three types of chocolate products, including raspberry chocolate, Christmas limited edition “apple pie chocolate crisps,” and “nut chocolate pieces.” The chocolate crisps and chocolate bars are also available in a Christmas limited edition gift box, the “Christmas Chocolate Crisps Gift Box” (HK$238), which includes both limited edition flavors, including mulled wine raisin and apple pie. The surface of the Christmas handmade chocolate bars is decorated with walnuts, nuts, crushed sugar, and salt and pepper cookies, creating a colorful display.

Schoggi Meier

“Reindeer Starry Night Christmas Selection Gift Box” (HK$360) includes reindeer milk chocolate, green tea chocolate Christmas tree crispy rice, Christmas decoration raspberry soft-centered chocolate, milk chocolate hazelnut wafer rolls, dark chocolate sea salt, lucky star lemon soft-centered chocolate, assorted chocolate butterfly cookies, etc., bringing a variety of sweet flavors all at once. For something special, you can choose the “Gingerbread D.I.Y. Decoration Set” (HK$180), which comes with a set of four handmade gingerbread cookies, different colored chocolate pens, decorative beads, and packaging, allowing you to create unique and personalized gingerbread cookies.

Mother Pearl x Essentia by Holger Deh 母亲珍珠 x Holger Deh 的 Essentia

圆贝联乘人气甜品大师纯素甜点品牌 Essentia by Holger Deh,带来纯素手工制朱古力 Pearlcious Love 三重奏(HK$220),合共三款口味。纯素白朱古力「圆贝白珍珠」搭配珠光饰面,而「古典铜珍珠」和「当代黑珍珠」则使用奢华法国朱古力品牌 Valrhona 的 70% 纯素黑朱古力制成,里面更藏有烟韧的麻糬夹心,带来甜蜜惊喜。


精品糖果店Sugarfina®推出”Happy Holidays糖果礼盒”(HK$688/ 8盒装),内有多款口味软糖,包括香槟小熊软糖、士多啤梨香槟小熊软糖、圣诞红莓软糖、薄荷棉花糖朱古力等,另有2盒装的”圣诞邮箱糖果礼盒”(HK$218),内有圣诞老人饼干及圣诞精灵礼物软糖。



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