12月 19, 2022




“Star Chestnut Trunk Cake” (HK$388) is a rich caramel milk chocolate mousse wrapped around caramel sponge cake, topped with smooth chestnut puree and hazelnut chocolate chip cookies. The bottom layer is made of vanilla butter cookies, decorated with whole and shiny candied chestnuts and star-shaped chocolate pieces. “Winter Strawberry Trunk Cake” (HK$388) features Japanese strawberry jam and sponge cake, topped with fresh Japanese strawberries, and covered with a round meringue that resembles small snowballs, creating a delicate and adorable dessert.


“幸福圣诞树”(HK$899)以16件雪糕蛋糕堆叠成立体圣诞树造型,更有姜饼人、圣诞驯鹿、圣诞花等装饰作点缀。集齐4款雪糕口味,包括最新扭纹脆脆系列红桑子 x 朱古力蛋糕雪糕、香芒热情果雪糕、黑糖奶茶雪糕及经典呍呢嗱雪糕。”圣诞小鹿”雪糕蛋糕(HK$429 /Mini;HK$569/Regular)以典雅的紫色为主调,加上金光灿烂的驯鹿及金珠装饰的雪白圣诞树,内层则是Häagen-Dazs™ 皇牌比利时朱古力雪糕,甜蜜满溢。


“冰雪繽紛 Let it Snow” 蛋糕(HK$480/ 4吋)是以百爵茗茶口味制作的,内含奶油彩虹蛋糕,并装饰有可爱的雪人和圣诞树,充满冬日的感觉;另一款”夢幻聖誕樹 O Christmas Tree”(HK$480/ 4吋)则是用红丝绒海绵蛋糕搭配爆谷奶油和蜂巢蜜制作的。

Nina Patisserie


Vive Cake Boutique

蛋糕精品店Vive Cake Boutique推出的圣诞蛋糕”The Enchanting Christmas Carousel”(HK$2,180)以旋转木马为灵感,以代表圣诞节的红色为基调,上层则有精巧圣诞树;另一款蛋糕”Flippy’s Festive Parade”(HK$1,680/5吋;HK$1,980/6吋)则以置地广场今年的”Mrs Claus Bakery”圣诞主题为灵感,以企鹅Flippy为主角,造型可爱。两款蛋糕均备有三款口味可选择,包括红丝绒蛋糕配奶油芝士、巧克力蛋糕配巧克力甘纳许及香蕉蛋糕配巧克力黄油奶油和脆珠。

agnès b. 咖啡馆和花店

经典的”agnès b. 派对小熊”蛋糕(HK$55/件装;HK$580/中磅装;HK$680 大磅装)换上粉红色造型,全新口味以海盐焦糖慕丝配上热带芒果及热情果,加上榛子脆脆夹层,每口咖啡海绵蛋糕均有多重滋味。”圣诞树干蛋糕”(HK$55/片装;HK$580/磅装)于朱古力戚风蛋糕表面抹上一层无花果白朱古力慕丝,像白雪落在树干上,带出丝丝甜味,配搭酸甜清新的黑莓啫喱用以中和甜度,甜而不腻!


以许愿水晶球为造型的「愿望树」蛋糕($568/5 吋)!愿望树由绿茶曲奇组成,茶味香浓,而精致树纹之下包裹着73%朱古力慕丝蛋糕与红丝绒牛油蛋糕,蛋糕中间夹着层层脆莎榛子酱,底部以绿茶曲奇碎围边,口感层次丰富。喜欢Cinnamoroll的话可选「Cinnamoroll 雪国游」蛋糕(HK$448/4.5 吋),由纯白与粉蓝渐变的色调相当梦幻,而内里为白桃乳酪慕丝配伯爵茶戚风蛋糕,轻盈清新!


「圣诞老人的骑行 榛子香橙布丁慕斯蛋糕」(HK$598/6吋)以浓滑榛子慕斯搭配香橙布丁、巧克力海绵蛋糕,质感细腻,底层伴以54%黑朱古力榛子脆脆,面层以多款不同口味的手工巧克力和马卡龙拼成圣诞老人礼物车,充满节日气氛!带有飘雪效果的「雪夜梦幻 杂莓开心果红丝绒蛋糕」(HK$308/4吋;HK$458/6吋)以幼滑的杂莓奶油、具榛果香味的开心果布丁、香甜新鲜草莓加上质感绵密湿润的红丝绒蛋糕,层层相间,底层加入充满口感的白朱古力榛子脆脆作点缀,酸甜味道平衡。

英菲尼迪 C

“Keto Red Velvet Cake” (HK$74/piece; HK$780/6 inches; HK$950/8 inches) The cream cheese layers of this cake are made with grass-fed cream and French vanilla, and the base is made with Japanese almond flour and soybean flour. The sponge cake is made with Japanese eggs, French butter, and cocoa powder, and the recipe uses a sugar-free formula, replacing traditional sugar with keto ingredients such as erythritol, stevia, and monk fruit sweetener for a moderate level of sweetness. “Vegan Matcha Red Bean Cake” (HK$74/piece; HK$780/6 inches; HK$950/8 inches) This cake is made with a vegan recipe, using Uji matcha and rice flour, almond flour, and soy milk to create the cake. The layers are filled with Tokachi red bean yokan, giving it a satisfying texture with every bite, and there is also a layer of matcha cream.

Ms B的蛋糕店

蘋果肉桂鮮忌廉格子蛋糕「Golden Candicane Joy」(HK$980/6吋),加入甜菜根、可可紅絲絨、清香嘅蘋果泥及鮮忌廉,口感層次分明。「Sweet Symphony」(HK$1,050/6吋;HK$1,680/8吋)以士多啤梨、朱古力、開心果、橘子及雲尼拿戚風蛋糕配上鮮忌廉,充滿層次,而蛋糕頂層的翻糖蝴蝶結相當吸睛!

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