9月 13, 2022


近年想尝试地中海菜的选择变多了,而结合地中海和法式料理元素的 HUSO 早前在中环开业,其店内装潢以柔和浅色调配衬时尚简约风格,适合拍照打卡,而墙上更挂着本地艺术家蔡家欣 Yannes 所描绘的女性画作,让空间更添法式优雅感觉。

HUSO 主打以香槟及珍贵鱼子酱搭配不同菜式,其店名就正正取自盛产顶级鱼子酱品种的「鲟鱼」,其中的法国鱼子酱 Caviar Français 咸鲜味出众,另外亦有口感更厚实浓郁的入门级鱼子酱。香槟则包括拥有香梨及车厘子清新果香的 Vilmart et Cie Grande Reserve Premier Cru Brut,以及源自法国北部朗斯山特级香槟葡萄园区的 Maison Mumm RSRV Blanc de Noirs Grand Cru Vintage 2012。

餐厅最近推出全新的下午茶套餐,包括地中海风味的咸点,如西班牙冷汤、三文鱼酱配面包、手切牛肉他他、精选腌制火腿等,精致甜点有法式马卡龙、迷你芝士蛋糕、提拉米苏、鱼子酱牛奶雪糕配香槟果冻等,还有新鲜出炉的英式司康,搭配浓稠的 clotted cream 和酸甜草莓酱。如想继续享受,还可额外购买两杯 Laurent-Perrier La Cuvée NV 香槟和 10 克法国鱼子酱慢慢品尝!

In addition, there is also a dinner tasting menu, with options for appetizers such as citrus kale salad, Hokkaido scallops with tomato salsa, hand-cut beef tartare, or Japanese oysters with caviar. For the main course, choices include red wine braised chicken, crispy duck leg, and paper-wrapped oven-baked fish. One of the highlights is the slow-roasted USDA beef rump, cooked at low temperature and then carefully seared to perfection, with crispy edges and a rich, tender texture. Finally, you can choose between a Japanese dessert or caviar milk ice cream with champagne jelly to satisfy your “second stomach”!

电话:5801 1280

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