6月 28, 2022


Armani/Silos 展覽館新展覽:匯聚10位國際攝影師,鏡頭下的不一樣視角

时尚大师 Mr. Armani 不仅热爱时尚,同时也是一位艺术爱好者。为推动艺术文化,他特别选址 Giorgio Armani 意大利米兰总部大楼对面,开设了一所专属的展览馆 Armani/Silos,自 2015 年开幕以来,除了展出品牌自家经典作品之外,也会不定期举办不同艺术领域的展览,而最新一个大型展览,名为《玛格南图片社 – 色彩,场域,面孔》(Magnum Photos – Colors, Places, Faces),其中展示 10 位国际摄影师不拘一格的视角及其各自对摄影的见解,运用复合式多面叙事,通过万花筒般的多元视野,反映艺术、新闻和故事的独特组合。

This exhibition is co-curated by Giorgio Armani and Magnum Photos, where the artists, some still alive and some deceased, seem to be united by the same desire to explore reality, infusing revelations and emotions into their images. The photography subjects cover a wide range, such as Christopher Anderson capturing the faces of the Chinese people; Olivia Arthur gazing through the eyes of wanderers returning after fifty years to witness Dubai’s transformation from a village to an international city; Bruno Barbey telling the long story of Morocco escaping modernization; Werner Bischof capturing the urban vitality of New York; Rene Burri viewing architecture as a social and political space; Harry Gruyaert seeing the coastline as the boundary between land and water; Martin Parr sharply dissecting British life; Gueorgui Pinkhassov capturing the beauty of Tokyo and Venice; Newsha Tavakolian depicting daily life in Iran; Alex Webb capturing the saturated colors of Latin America and the Caribbean.

阿玛尼先生表示:“摄影总是让我着迷,因为它所激发的情感酷似从意外视角观察现实时所感受的惊喜。展览引领我们步入丰富多彩的旅程,领略艺术家个人镜头与愿景中或远或近的世界与文化。”他相信马格南图片社的摄影师不仅聚焦历史,还透过不同视角,启发人们以全新方式看待现实。顺带一提,此次展览亦为向救助儿童会(Save the Children)发起的项目提供支持。

“玛格南图片社 – 色彩,场域,面孔”展览将于即日起至2022年11月6日向公众开放。

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