8月 12, 2022

盧慧敏 AMY LO – 重新認識自己,從超現實中

戴了近3年口罩,遇上香港有记录以来最高温的7月天气,每日行走在闹市之中,的确令人怀疑是否活在真实之中——一切以往理所当然的环境似乎都被疫情和全球升温所改变。单靠纯粹的理性,面对生活也会感到太窒息。100年前超现实主义出现,释放了我们潜意识中的幻想力量;100年后的今天,继续启发身兼女演员和模特儿身份的Amy Lo(卢慧敏)。


拥有香港和哥斯达黎加混血美貌和高挑身材,原来Amy的脑袋却十分天马行空,反差萌不但可爱,更反映她的创意潜能和知性内涵。今次拍摄的主题是超现实主义,Amy也钟情这流派的艺术。「我不算一个看很多超现实主义画作的,但很记得第一张看到的是达利(Salvador Dalí)那经典的「溶化的时钟」(《记忆的坚持》La persistencia de la memoria),十分喜欢,然后开始看更多并认识什么是Surrealism。」完成忙碌的拍摄后仍然精神充沛的Amy,谈起对超现实主义的兴趣,她说它并非没有逻辑,而是有点反常,这点很像她自己:「平时我思考也有点鬼马和天马行空,因此以艺术来呈现这种反常理思维的Surrealism非常吸引我。」


另一位Amy钟爱的超现实主义作品是马格里特(René Magritte)的《The Treachery of Images》。「如果要用一句话来总结Magritte的超现实作品,那就是『眼睛看见的,不一定是真实』——这是我非常相信的一句话。」Amy说:“很多人会根据外表和表象来判断某人的性格、故事、成功与否,但身处在演艺行业,明白『事实』是可以通过包装、美化、用不同的面具与人相处,这时候更感受到Magritte作品,包括《The False Mirror》和《Not to Be Reproduced》背后的深意。眼睛是一扇窗户,但加入了很多我们自己的看法,将现实扭曲。”在《The False Mirror》中我们看到的不是一面镜子,而是一个放大的眼睛,表面反映出蓝天白云的景象,这是马格里特对人们眼睛欺骗盲目本质的批判;《Not to Be Reproduced》则是马格里特最知名的作品:一个男人面向镜子,镜子反映的却是他的后脑,诡谲影像引发后世无数人深思,包括Amy。

Headpiece and gloves, all from Gucci / Suit, Miu Miu


In addition to painting, Amy is also deeply interested in music, literature, and movies. She prefers elements of fantasy and imagination in these media as well. “I have a habit of writing down my dreams because I remember them very well, and my subconscious mind brings me a lot of inspiration. Sometimes it’s very nonsensical, like a cat carrying an elephant, or a toothpick swimming. One time I shared a dream with a friend and said I had to turn it into a movie. All rights reserved (laughs)!” Amy shares her fantasy of a surreal movie that she hopes will come to life one day: “It’s a surreal story. I really want to make a very short film, maybe just a few minutes long, about the surreal things that happen in a short period of time. Time passes too quickly, and I want to incorporate the concept of ‘controlling time’ into the work, calling it ‘One Thousandth of a Second,’ hoping to infinitely stretch time.”

Tube top and skirt, all from Prada


我本身非常喜欢看电影,因为除了是上佳的消闲方式,更有很多文化和其他角度可以欣赏和学习,譬如美术和镜头的运用。其中一套我很喜欢的就是《Birdman》(飞鸟侠)。听到这个超级英雄电影的戏名,Amy 起初并没有兴趣观看,但在对电影狂热的朋友强烈推荐下,看完之后一起讨论了几个小时:“它用了一种超现实的方式来讲述一个超级现实的世界。电影主角是一个过气演员,我自己也从事演艺工作,对主角在行业中的无力感深有同感。我很清楚当情绪来袭时,人会变得很不现实。譬如男主角有情绪时,他会幻想自己有超能力,甚至有一幕跟我曾经想像的一样——我以为幻想和演戏的情节,原来是真实的,情景是类似拍中枪戏,所有人围在身边,但如果我真的离开了这世界,我的灵魂是否会离开肉身?望见身边所有的人的画面又将是怎样的?”

Jacket, skirt and underwear, all from Miu Miu / Gloves, Gucci / Earrings, @Silentnostalgia

欣赏Frida Kahlo与Jean Cocteau

“Have you seen the Disney animated movie ‘Coco’? It’s a film suitable for all ages. The story is about the world of the dead, where all characters appear as skeletons. The movie has a lot of musical elements, rich colors, and I really like it. There is an artist responsible for the theatrical effects in the movie, and that is Frida Kahlo.” Amy continued, “No one ever thought of putting a real artist into a cartoon before. Frida Kahlo is a Mexican artist who has influenced many people and continues to influence many people, even in film culture. Her life story is very complicated. I am not someone who achieves success overnight, I am someone who enjoys the scenery along the way, which is somewhat similar to her. She is an artist/role model that I really admire.” Besides Frida Kahlo, Amy recently came across the works of the French surrealist genius (a slasher from 100 years ago) Jean Cocteau by chance and became fascinated. “I really like his works about celestial bodies, with many points and lines. I feel like my brain is always in a coding state. I resonate with Jean Cocteau, the ‘point-line person,’ who doesn’t need many colors and techniques to express himself. He also made films and influenced fashion design. I really want to share him with the readers.”

Top, pants and earrings, all from Givenchy / Shoes, Christian Louboutin


作为近年极爱欢迎的时尚模特儿,Amy 表示她只会跟随每天的心情来穿搭。「譬如心情沉重,也会穿一些较沉的衣服。我穿搭不会很激,主要想呈现较舒服的感觉。」但是,相信大部分读者都会同意,Amy 展现出一种知性气质,谦虚的她立即表示从来不觉自己是「艺术气息型」女生:「首先,我不太知道什么是『艺术气息』(笑)。我想大概一切都要从内里开始,不需要刻意打造。当你接触得多(文化),就会有那种感觉出现。譬如你喜欢激昂的、heavy metal 的音乐,自然就会多留意方面;虽不是文质斌斌,但那是否就不是艺术气息呢?那也是一种属于自己的气质,对那事物有所研究、有所欣赏,才能散发出来。当找到自己喜欢的事物,找到 connection,就会拥有那种气质吧?最重要还是先找到自己钟意的兴趣。」 「腹有诗书气自华」从来都是真理,从 Amy 谈对艺术展览的欣赏,不难理解她为何被视为艺术气质型女生。「我很喜欢看艺术展,我去旅行时会去看看当时有什么短期展览,我很相信这是缘份。某次在日本有一个关于橙的展览,由一群老人家举办。展览包括一些 workshop,讨论哪里的橙最好味、哪种颜色的橙最好食。」只要是有趣的展览,Amy 都会全情投入:「橙是不是只有橙色?展览中有个色盘去看不同的橙色,非常有趣。展览之后还有一个耕作活动,我没有水鞋都去了参加,然后一身泥土(并牺牲了一对球鞋)搭了三小时车回东京!」

Blazer, skirt, rings and earrings, all from Gucci / Boots, Christian Louboutin


Amy, who loves nature and deep breathing, recently visited the exhibition “Breath of the Forest” at Tai Kwun. She interacted with fellow visitors and gained more inspiration. “The exhibition was very detailed, with some paintings and photos, as well as a large screen of 3 to 4 meters playing animations made of dots, telling the story of trees. There was a little boy next to me who spoke English. He said, ‘These are not trees.’ I looked at him angrily and said, ‘These should be trees!’ Then we started a conversation. I asked him if he thought people were like trees. He said, ‘No, trees don’t move! They don’t have mouths, they don’t eat.’ I said, ‘They do move, just upwards; they do eat, they absorb nutrients directly from the soil.’ He looked confused. He said, ‘But trees have bugs.'” During the discussion, Amy reflected on whether she was realistic enough. The child eventually realized that this beautiful sister was taller than his father: “Oh my God! You really are a big tree!” Amy, enjoying herself, said, “If there were more opportunities to share in the exhibition, there would be a lot of inspiration.” For Amy, the role of art is not only to cultivate temperament but also to understand oneself. “Why do we feel moved by different works? Maybe we find some connection. Paintings, music, and movies can touch people, creating a bonding with the viewer, a good way to understand oneself. For example, I really like some surrealist works because we all have a kind of sensitivity, a different perspective on things, and sensitive areas. Each surrealist painting may not have a concrete meaning, unlike landscape or realistic works; its meaning depends on how you see it. When you appreciate and share, you will once again recognize your character, viewpoints, and understand yourself better, thus improving yourself.” It is this pure passion for art that makes Amy Lo unconsciously exude a different aura – does her unconscious beauty make you like her more?

发型:The Attic的吴卓谦

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