5月 5, 2023

再次挑战性感极限?珍妮为Calvin Klein限量别注系列必买清单

粉丝们不用等到脖子都长了,Calvin Klein 终于发布了Jennie for Calvin Klein限量特别系列的造型照和产品系列,灵感来自于Blackpink的Jennie Kim的休闲穿搭必备,同时融入了她的个人风格和创意。系列包括多款内衣套装、牛仔裤、T恤、绒毛上衣和针织衫。Jennie还亲自挑选了系列的粉色调,并由她亲笔设计的Calvin Klein标志性Logo,重新演绎了这些基本款式。

事源CK已经和Jennie合作了多次品牌企划,当然品牌亦深知她是现今流行文化的指标。她的独特风格在全球绝对有很大的影响力,而今此capsule系列是由Jennie喜爱的风格和Calvin Klein最标志性的基本款式结合所得,相信又会引来fans们疯抢!


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  • The collection includes many beloved colors for girls, including lilac purple, chalk blue, and desert tones, as well as classic black and white options to choose from. The minimalist cuts showcase a relaxed and casual attitude. Paired with underwear, bodysuits, and soft ribbed tank tops, they provide versatile and comfortable wear. In addition, there are sweatpants, T-shirts, jumpsuits, and crewneck sweatshirts that are soft to the touch and convenient for activities. Denim shirts and classic 90s-style jeans create a confident and stylish casual look, while knit tops, jumpsuits, and sets with shaping denim bras and half skirts showcase a fashionable style.

    As a website translator with a deep cultural understanding of fashion and lifestyle topics, my task is to provide culturally sensitive and nuanced translations of the following content into Chinese (Simplified). Here is the translation: 至於系列的造型照,今次Jennie繼續挑戰性感底線,由韓國攝影師 Hong Jang Hyun 拍攝的形象廣告,展示了 Jennie 在最舒適和自在的狀態下,通過超現實的圖片及影片展現她內心的夢幻世界。透過鏡頭捕捉她獨有的性感和自信,帶領觀眾們一同走進 Jennie 的世界。


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