12月 30, 2021

ZARA 推出全身适用万用妆物!真正「CP值之王」诞生

Zara beauty 新品 萬用 manifesto stick

Zara 的产品从来都是 CP 值的天花板,无论是时装、配饰、香水及妆物,小资女生永远都能无痛入手。在 CP 值的挑战之上,能超越 Zara 的永远只有 Zara,情况就如最近,品牌推出了一款眼、唇、脸及身体均合用的万用妆物,一支已经满足了女生们上妆的所有需要。

 Zara beauty 新品 萬用 manifesto stick
Zara beauty 新品 萬用 manifesto stick

This versatile makeup item is called the Manifesto Color Stick, a creamy texture makeup stick available in matte, pearl, and glossy finishes for easy application on different parts of the body or face to create different makeup looks. The color payoff of this makeup stick is high, whether it’s shimmering blue eyeshadow, bright red lipstick, or bronze highlight, it can perfectly create a flawless and noticeable makeup effect.

Zara beauty 新品 萬用 manifesto stick
Zara beauty 新品 萬用 manifesto stick


了解更多:Zara Beauty

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