11月 22, 2022

与欣宜游走霓虹城市,漫谈经典香气 Chanel N°5 与她的秘密


1921年,Gabrielle Chanel构思的第一款香水N°5问世,正正代表着一种“做自己”的独特精神。Chanel女士是第一位推出自家品牌香水的时装设计师,N°5的诞生也打破了当时香水大多以单一种花香为主流的传统,其抽象的幽香凝聚了格拉斯五月玫瑰和茉莉花的芳香,标志着现代香水发展的转折点,从此改写了香水历史。一百多年来,N°5一直与时俱进,历年来先后化作五种芬芳变奏演绎。时至今日,这香气依然是大家心目中历久弥新的经典。

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Chanel recently invited singer Joyce to spray Chanel fragrance and lead everyone to wander in the neon city during midnight, and to tell her own personal declaration. Joyce also shared with us the meaning of “Be Yourself” and how fragrance brings out her personal charm.

Joyce 遇上 Chanel N°5
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chanel no 5

ZTYLEZ:How does fragrance bring out your personal charm?
Joyce: Fragrance can bring out personal charm. When I spray on my favorite perfume, I feel confident and have a sense of inner confidence. Even when I’m shooting, although people can’t smell my fragrance through the lens, I still spray on perfume. Before going on stage, even though the audience is actually far away from me, they won’t smell my fragrance, but I still have the habit of spraying perfume. Because perfume is not just about making others feel, but also about making myself feel confident.

ZTYLEZ:喷上 Chanel N°5 香水会让你成为怎样的Joyce?你会选择什么时候用它?

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