12月 23, 2022


摄影画廊 Boogie Woogie Photography 携手香港摄影平台「显影 PhotogStory」,于黄竹坑 The Loft 带来日本摄影师志锤猛 (Takeshi Shikama) 摄影个展《Contemplations》。展览将呈献摄影师到访日本、法国、苏格兰、香港及台湾等地时所拍下的大自然景象,让观众们透过铂鈀印相的视感,欣赏大自然之独特魅力。

Takeshi Shikama《Contemplation – Snow: Kitayokodake #6》
Courtesy of Boogie Woogie Photography


Takeshi Shikama《Silent Respiration of Forests-Yosemite: Yosemite #23》
Courtesy of Boogie Woogie Photography
Takeshi Shikama
《Contemplation – Japan: Onuma》
Courtesy of Boogie Woogie Photography


Takeshi Shikama《Silent Respiration of Forests – Hokkaido: Komatsubara》
Courtesy of Boogie Woogie Photography

For Takeru Shigekama, both the process of shooting and printing are a form of meditation. He uses the elegant platinum-palladium printing technique to develop photos on traditional Japanese “ganpi” paper. This type of paper, made from natural tree fibers, is non-acidic, delicate, and translucent, giving the photos a velvety texture. Compared to traditional silver salt printing methods, using platinum or palladium to print the same negative can restore more details and create a richer visual depth.

Takeshi Shikama《Urban Forest-Paris: Parco des Ceaux #2》
Courtesy of Boogie Woogie Photography

This exhibition classifies its works by region, showcasing a total of 32 pieces from places such as Yosemite National Park in the United States, Japan, France, Scotland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Visitors are encouraged to personally visit the gallery and experience the gentle and tranquil atmosphere that emanates from the photographs.

地址:黄竹坑道56-60号怡华工业大厦8楼 The Loft

圖片來源及了解更多:  布吉舞摄影

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