12月 19, 2022

駐荷蘭藝術家Bart Kok亞洲個展亮相SENS Gallery,迷人藍調繪出奇幻森林景觀!

《一顆橡果掉我頭上 》 Bart Kok

SENS画廊最近带来驻荷兰艺术家Bart Kok首次亚洲个人展览《一颗橡果掉我头上》,为大家呈现艺术家天马行空的想象力,以及其创造的奇幻森林景观。踏入是次展览,观众可以欣赏到Bart Kok所创造的幻想异景,并尽情穿梭漫步在高耸的树林之间。

同时,Gustav Klimt的抽象以及其自然主义、野兽派大胆鲜艳的色调和梵高描绘夜晚的蓝色,都不约而同地在这次作品当中流露出历史的灵光,为作品里的森林景观增添几分生动。在Bart Kok所设想的世界里,冷暖色调交错,塑造出一种宁静而怪异的气氛。面对生命短暂的自然法则,艺术家也不断思考着生命的意义和自然的奥秘。

Bart Kok likes to wander around and also likes to wander on the canvas, finding interest in small things. He is good at capturing the small details of the forest at different moments and noticing the differences, such as the light passing through the branches or the color changes in the forest and meadows at different times.

Because of the geographical environment of the Netherlands and Flanders, he is able to make good use of his familiarity with the local area to continuously create mysterious forest scenes. Bart Kok also uses photography as an entrance into a fantasy landscape, but despite being inspired by the real world, he also keeps a distance from reality in order to create an infinitely mysterious natural world. In addition, his works not only show traces of artists from the past, but also contain shadows of contemporary digital image culture, with bright and intense use of colors, just like the brightness on a computer screen.

《A Wild Child Lost in the Woods》 (2022) Bart Kok Oil Paint & Oil Pastels on Linen
140 x 190 cm

Moving from the city to the countryside undoubtedly brought a certain influence to Bart Kok’s work. The forest environment carries his inspiration for painting, allowing him to unleash his full potential and showcase a unique painting style. At the same time, his bold brushstrokes incorporate Georges Seurat’s pointillism and the distinctive flat decorative patterns found in Klimt’s landscapes. As a Dutch painter, he is naturally influenced by Vincent van Gogh’s work as well. The serene and deep blue night sky on the canvas is admired by many artists in later generations, and Bart Kok also puts great effort into shaping that enchanting blue tone in his works.

《Hot Day with Cool Blue’s》 (2022) Bart Kok Oil Paint & Oil Pastels on Linen 160 x 200 cm

The deep blue color highlights the calm tone and fleeting emotions emitted by the forest, allowing us to glimpse how the artist expresses his fascination with the philosophy of life and death in this dreamlike world. In Bart Kok’s creations, he attempts to capture the enlightenment he receives from natural landscapes and intends to depict the ethereal nature of trees. The glowing colors contrast with the melancholic trees and sky, expressing the meaning of encountering life and death. At the same time, the lush and dense trees in the artwork provide a sense of tranquility for both the viewers and the artist, while deliberately concealing the hidden dangers lurking in the forest, thus revealing the metaphor of life and death.

《一顆橡果掉我頭上 》
日期:即日起至 2023 年 1 月 14 日(星期日及公衆假期除外) 
時間:上午 11 時至晚上 7 時
地點:黃竹坑 Landmark South 19 樓 08 室

图片来源及了解更多:SENS Gallery 

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