12月 1, 2022

罗马尼亚艺术家奇思异想创作怪诞生物,带着笔下「大脚怪」玩转 Double Q Gallery!

Double Q Gallery Tincuţa Marin

Double Q Gallery最近带来罗马尼亚艺术家Tincuţa Marin在亚洲的首个个展,有别于画廊之前聚焦在概念性的抽象展览,今次这位年轻女艺术家创作一系列充满活力与诡秘气息的生物,将画廊打造成一个奇幻世界!

Tincuţa Marin 1995 年出生於羅馬尼亞加拉茨,她的創作始於素描,之後她用粘土製作雕塑。這些雕塑成為她一些靜物的模型,並經常出現在其影像作品中。最初,她很大程度上受到了木偶劇中魔幻世界的影響,這激發她以亮麗的色彩繪畫出一些怪誕角色。在她的畫作中出現頻率最高的角色是大腳怪,這是一個全身長滿尖刺的巨大黃色生物,生活於莊嚴的中世紀城堡裏。

This exhibition brings a total of seven new works from the artist, with the largest one being Marin’s self-portrait. She portrays herself as a monster in her artwork, with the character in the painting holding a brush, depicting her creative daily life. The artist admits to being attracted to ugly and bizarre things, and through distorted and abnormal faces, she paints images and symbols related to death, dreams, temptation, and monsters, hoping that everyone can discover beauty from ugliness.

TINCUŢA MARIN《UNTITLED》 2022 Oil on wood 25 x 32 cm Copyright The Artist

This exhibition is named “Chapter IV: When we enter the lair of Bigfoot, Gagafu and Dracovenie. Let’s hope we get out alive…” It is actually an excerpt from the book “Close your eyes, you will see this city” by a Romanian writer. This writer admires surrealism and depicts a terrifying and thrilling world, which coincides with Tincuţa Marin’s creative concept. You are welcome to visit the gallery and appreciate the transcendent charm of the monsters depicted by the artist.


圖片來源及了解更多:Double Q Gallery

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