11月 23, 2022


「奇想安全屋」王金博 SENS Gallery

你有试过在一个不熟悉的群体中感到局促不安吗?”社交恐懼”这个词汇近些年来常见于年轻一代,这大多都是慢热或内向的人用来自嘲自己不擅长,甚至害怕交际。中国艺术家王金博经常用创作抒发自身面对外界时所面临的不安和缺乏安全感的内在情感,近期SENS Gallery与上海言午画廊 XU Gallery 合作,将这位艺术家的作品带来香港!


左:Improvisation (2022) Wang Jinbo Oil on Canvas 150 x 120 cm;
右:Anonymous Light (2022) Wang Jinbo Oil on Canvas 150 x 120 cm

In addition to self-exploration, the process of creation is like self-reconciliation for Wang Jinbo. The pandemic has provided him with a great space for contemplation and an opportunity for self-exploration. He hopes that through his creations, he can also help the audience find inner peace and achieve self-reconciliation. When Wang Jinbo becomes aware of his inner unease and social fears, he simply faces them with a calm attitude and immerses himself in the world he has created.


The artist focuses on the present, and indeed, painting is a process that allows Wang Jinbo to think and digest information. His works emphasize color and delicately depict the contours of the characters. The shining texture has always been a part of his creative history, from depicting twinkling starlight in the past to the dazzling flashes now, as if constantly expanding an extraordinary and transcendent cosmic scene, where he finds his own place of comfort.

地点:黄竹坑Landmark South 19楼08室

图源及了解更多:SENS Gallery

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