July 20, 2022

Pipilotti Rist, a hall-of-fame media artist, will make a summer appearance at Tai Kwun! The exhibition brings together her groundbreaking classic works from 30 years of artistry!

「潛入你眼簾——皮皮樂迪.里思特」Pipilotti Rist

Tai Kwun Contemporary surprises this summer by collaborating with internationally renowned media artist Pipilotti Rist, presenting her latest large-scale exhibition “Behind Your Eyelid – Pipilotti Rist”. It is a rare opportunity to invite this legendary contemporary artist, bringing together over 45 iconic works from her past 30 years, including early humorous and satirical single-channel videos, colorful large-scale video installations, and sculptures that combine video with everyday objects. This exhibition is truly a grand event showcasing the artist’s great achievements, and it is also the artist’s first major solo exhibition in Hong Kong!

《慈悲花園》(《慈悲作品家族》之一),2013 錄像裝置 皮皮樂迪·里思特 聲響:Heinz Rohrer 圖片由藝術家、豪瑟沃斯畫廊、Luhring Augustine 畫廊 提供 攝影:Ken Adlard
展覽現場:英國布魯頓,豪瑟沃斯薩默塞特中心, 「Stay Stamina Stay(留下耐力)」展覽, 2014
《寓所》,2018 皮皮樂迪·里思特 圖片由藝術家、豪瑟沃斯畫廊及 Luhring Augustine 畫廊 提供 © Pipilotti Rist 攝影: Jessica Maurer 展覽現場:澳洲悉尼當代藝術博物館,「皮皮樂迪•里思 特:啜飲我的海洋」展覽,2018

Pipilotti Rist was born in Switzerland in 1962 and has been a leading figure in the international art scene since the mid-1980s. From her earliest video works to her recent large-scale immersive installations, her pieces have the power to captivate viewers. Her mesmerizing installations inspire introspection, while also sparking joy and excitement, prompting exploration of the relationship between the body and images, external environment, and internal mindset.

《寓所》,2021 皮皮樂迪·里思特 圖片由洛杉磯當代藝術館提供 攝影:Zak Kelley 展覽現場:洛杉磯當代藝術館葛芬分館,「大心,當我的鄰居吧」展覽,2021-2022

Artists are particularly concerned with the connection between the external and internal body, and are especially fascinated by the intermediaries or interfaces that connect the two, such as camera lenses, skin, eye membranes, etc. These interfaces, of course, help to establish a record, identify the indicative relationship between images and objects, while also blurring, distorting, and reshaping the relationship of mutual reference between the object and the image, thereby opening up a creative space for speculation, imagination, and play.

《Das Zimmer(房間)》,1994/2017,音頻錄像裝置 皮皮樂迪·里思特 圖片由藝術家、豪瑟沃斯畫廊及 Luhring Augustine 畫 廊提供 © PipilottiRist 攝影:Brian Slater
《永遠至上》,1997 皮皮樂迪·里思特 圖片由藝術家、豪瑟沃斯畫廊及 Luhring Augustine 畫 廊提供 © Pipilotti Rist 攝影: Jessica Maurer
展覽現場:澳洲悉尼當代藝術博物館 「皮皮樂迪•里思特:啜飲我的海洋」展覽,2018

It is this critical state of contradiction that inspires the exhibition theme “Into Your Eyelids,” inviting viewers to enter the vast world of moving images, to experience the world with a fresh perspective, to explore a new vision of personal expression, body politics, life, and the vibrant colors of nature. Pipilotti’s fascinating installations, both soothing and humorous, not only captivate the audience but also encourage introspection, opening up possibilities for various shared experiences that are both illusory and real.

《Pixelwald Mutterplatte(像素森林主板)》,2016 皮皮樂迪·里思特 圖片由藝術家、豪瑟沃斯畫廊及 Luhring Augustine 畫 廊提供 © PipilottiRist 攝影:Lena Huber

This exhibition will not only showcase the artist’s iconic works, such as “Virtual Embrace,” but also feature many specially commissioned new works created for Tai Kwun, including large immersive video sculptures on the prison exercise yard, art spaces transformed from individual cells in D Hall, and works on the large walls of the parade ground.

During the exhibition period, there will also be a series of diverse public programs and educational activities, and Pipilotti herself will attend the “Tai Kwun Talk” event. Remember to seize this rare opportunity to visit the exhibition in person!

“In Your Eyes – Pipilotti Rist”
Dates: August 3, 2022 to November 27, 2022
Sunday to Thursday: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM (Closed on Mondays)
Friday to Saturday: 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM
On-site: HK$95 (Adult) | HK$75 (Concession)
Online: HK$88 (Adult) | HK$65 (Concession)

Image source and learn more: Tai Kwun

Purchase tickets: Click here

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