December 20, 2022

LGBTQ+ themed mobile exhibition is currently taking place, sharing photography works that showcase stories of self-confidence and self-love from the LGBTQ+ community, including gay, bisexual, and drag queen individuals.


The only wedding planning company in Hong Kong dedicated to LGBTQ+ individuals, Next Chapter LGBT, recently collaborated with local renowned photography team De Odd to organize a photography exhibition in the community. The exhibition showcases the photography works by De Odd’s founder, Master Tang Ying-kei, and was officially unveiled at the Eaton Hotel. The works document the touching stories of four different LGBTQ+ communities of various ages, identities, and backgrounds, highlighting their mutual understanding, love, self-confidence, and self-love. Through these images, everyone can get closer to their inner world.

同性伴侶 Kenya和阿軒認為世俗眼光不應阻礙任何形式的戀情 。
同性戀者 Jean 於拍攝前得知身上癌細胞已擴散多個部分,預料剩下時間不多,希望藉今次拍攝作為 道別,同時給予大家自愛的勇氣。

Next Chapter believes that no one should be deprived of the right to marry because of their sexual orientation. Therefore, we have always advocated for the concept of “love diversity” without any distinction of race, skin color, gender, or boundaries, and we strive to make Hong Kong a society that respects and embraces multiculturalism. Through this exhibition, we hope to promote the concept of inclusivity towards diverse sexual orientations to the public and show our support for the LGBTQ+ community in Hong Kong.

由左至右:De Odd 創辦人鄧英奇、Next Chapter LGBT 創辦人 Mac、 Next Chapter LGBT 創辦人 Kurt、逸東酒店文化總監 Joseph Chen

Next Chapter LGBT founder Kurt has always been promoting the values of diversity and inclusivity through collaborations with various organizations. She hopes to convey the message of “we are all the same” through the medium of photography – that even though sexual orientation, identity, style, and appearance may differ, everyone should have equal rights and treatment.

Ming 是一位跨性別女性,而 Carmen 作為一位泛性戀者,則是她的另一半。二人無畏世俗眼光,享受這段戀情時光。

Personally managing this shoot, Deng Yingqi also mentioned that this collaboration left a deep impression on him. He said, “The four groups of companions who participated in the shoot this time, even though they have different backgrounds and experiences, they all stick to what they love and bravely pursue what they want to do. I hope that everyone can honestly face themselves, cherish their own uniqueness, not go with the flow, and not change themselves because of societal norms or conventions.”

熱愛 drag queen 文化的 Coco 和 Chanel 一路上互相扶持,勇敢追求自己熱愛的事。

The final product of this shoot revolves around the experiences and self-exploration of four LGBTQ+ individuals, presenting their thoughts and reflections. It also tells the stories of lovers finding each other and holding onto their love, as well as the journey of self-identity and self-love.

These works will be exhibited in various restaurants and cafes in different districts of Hong Kong, Kowloon, and the New Territories. In addition to hoping that more people can appreciate the works, we also hope to create resonance through the photos and make the community more diverse and truly accepting of people with different sexual orientations.

Image source and learn more: Next Chapter LGBT, De Odd

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